Let us help you succeed in STEM!
We cater to middle school and high school aged students taking STEM courses at any level. We specialize in full course offerings, tutoring, and test-preparation for home-educated, private and public schooled students.

Course Offerings
We offer live virtual courses at the middle school and high school level in many STEM fields. These range from one term, one semester, and full-year courses.

We offer one-on-one tutoring sessions in a variety of topics for students looking for individualized attention. Book your FREE first consultation to discuss tutoring goals.

Our pricing model is straight forward and there are no hidden fees. We don’t charge an enrollment or administrative fee. The only fees you pay are for tuition/tutoring and, in some courses, a textbook.
Course Offerings
Science Electives
Middle School
Test Prep
Full Catalog
Who We Are
Dr. K works closely with students and parents to create an educational environment that fits the needs of each family. Our classes are offered live to foster a collaborative learning environment. In each class, students are encouraged to join discussion and are given many avenues to ask the instructor questions outside of class.